Monday, June 13, 2011


Google-Bot. by m_petruziello
Google-Bot. a photo by m_petruziello on Flickr.
Google has the ability to change whenever it feels like. However, why would they want to change? The answer is, because they can. Like almost any business owner, the main goal is to make the most money possible and with some business owner’s, they will do whatever it takes to make more money. Therefore, companies like Google have the ability weaken smaller businesses so they (Google) can make more money. With a simple tweaking of their search algorithm, small businesses get affected because Google changed the way their “bots” search for websites. “Because Google has become the source of so much traffic for so many, any burp or shudder in the company’s indexes has exponential implications through the young world of search-dependent on-line businesses” (The Search, pg. 158). Therefore, our Internet Technicians (me being one of them) have to update the website and keep an eye on Google everyday to maintain our placement in their search listings.